A Community Bright and Cheerful

Alecia posing in front of bookshelves in the Thrift Store.Alecia’s earliest memories of FROM were from long ago, visiting Treasures Thrift Store in its earliest days to find needs and wants.

In 2012, Alecia was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Boulding all that comes with a life altering diagnosis, Alecia found herself in need of some help.

She still isn’t sure who requested help for her through the Repair & Restore (formerly Neighbor to Neighbor), a FROM program that provides weatherization and small home repairs, but help was there.

“The next thing I knew I had a whole group of people at my home, putting new floors and repairing a few doors,” Alecia shared. This left Alecia feeling seen and taken care of, expanding her expectations of what FROM could do in a time of much needed support.

Along with Repair & Restore, and Treasures Thrift Store, Alecia has also taken part in the FROM Christmas Food Basket & Toy Store. She loved that she was able to pick out special gifts for her children.

A sense of community blossomed for Alecia. Over the years, she has continued to frequent Treasures Thrift Store. So much so; she finally became a volunteer, serving as a cashier, and in the book department.

Today Alecia’s life is full and busy. With her cancer in remission, she fills her time with family, volunteering, and her favorite pastime, reading! She has seven bookshelves of books!

“I’m lucky compared to so many other people out there, I have fantastic kids and a wonderful husband,” she said. “There will always be something on the horizon that would be nice to have but what I have now is quite lovely.

Alecia complimented the people who make FROM, FROM, saying they are, “bright and cheerful.” We think she’s one of them.