Giving Back to Her Community


Whether it’s FROM (Flat River Outreach ministries) or the Lowell Wildlife Center, Sjana spends many hours a week volunteering her time to help the Lowell community.  


She started volunteering at FROM in 2009 and has worked in a variety of the Thrift Store’s departments. She now spends most of her time in the donation room sorting through items to help prepare them to be sold in the Thrift store.  


“FROM does a lot for this community,” she said. “I couldn’t find this type of place in Grand Rapids.” 


In the past, Sjana utilized services at FROM with her family, and saw volunteering at FROM a way to give back to the community that had helped her. Her reason for volunteering is simple: she wants to help others. 


 “I do what I do and that’s all there is to it,” she said.  


When she’s not at FROM, Sjana is likely taking care of animals at the Animal Wildlife Center in Lowell, which she runs. The center takes injured or abandoned animals and nurses them back to health. She takes care of all sorts of animals – including baby squirrels that she feeds around the clock when they’re first born.  


FROM has found a way to support the wildlife center by donating much of the expired food from the food panty to the animals. Kelly Glas, Healthy Foods Program Coordinator, is passionate about limiting the amount of food that is wasted at FROM and is thankful for the partnership with Animal Wildlife Center in Lowell.  


“At FROMs Food Pantry, we greatly focus on doing the right thing with the resources we have been blessed with. Sjana, and the Wildlife Center, has been a pivotal part of making this a reality. Occasionally there will be fresh items that we don’t go through quick enough. Instead of these items ending up in the landfill, we give them to the wildlife center to be used as feed for the animals.” Said Kelly.  


Sjana is very thankful for the support FROM has given both her and the Wildlife Center.  


In the more than a decade since Sjana has been volunteering, she has volunteered nearly 9,000 hours!  


 “Sjana is often here at 6:30 am ready to work in the donation room. We appreciate her faithfulness and dedication to FROM,” said Wendi Priess, the Executive Director. 


Thank you, Sjana, for your passion to serve the Lowell community! FROM is thankful for you.